scent of memory


第九章 candle

     This year, I spent a lot of time at home, especially due to the COVIT-19 pandemic. Going to cafes and other places is also effective, but not desirable because of the possibility of clusters. Furthermore, studying at home is a hurdle and I cannot study as much as I would like.So I decided to look back and summarize how I have done so far.

     First of all, I found it effective to utilize zoom with my friends. Although there is a disadvantage of not being able to concentrate on studying if a conversation starts, it is possible to study very efficiently by teaching each other what you don't understand and getting the feeling that you are studying together.

     Secondly, the method is to use a candle, prepare a small candle, and study until the light goes out. The candle I have has a burn time of about 8 hours. Personally, I find that after six hours, I start to lose concentration due to fatigue. However, I found it to be effective when I have assignments that I need to do.

     Lastly, I would like to mention the use of smartphones. The number one enemy of studying is looking at your smartphone. If you use the time lapse function of your camera to take pictures of your work, you can work without looking at your smartphone. Later, when you see the time-lapse video, you will feel a sense of accomplishment, which will lead to increased motivation.


  今年は特にCOVIT-19 のパンデミックの影響で家にいることが多かった。カフェなどに行くことも有効であるが、クラスターが起こる可能性があるので好ましくない。さらに、家で勉強することはハードルが高くて、思うように勉強できない。そこで、これまでを振り返ってどのようにしたら良いかをまとめることにした。


